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¡Las nubes falsas son indicativas de una emergencia planetaria en la que los gobiernos quieren matarnos y acabar con el medio ambiente! TRANSMISIÓN ALERTA GLOBAL DE NOTICIAS 20 DE ABRIL 2024 Cielos Tóxicos Cielos Tóxicos

Tonya Yeakey Interview - OKC Bombing. The widow that won`t go away!
This is a radio interview done by Ken Rank and Craig Roberts interviewing Terry Yeakey's wife Tonya. Terry Yeakey was the first police officer to respond to the bombing that morning because he had been a few blocks away at a routine traffic stop. He later went on to die under extremely strange circumstances. (A Noble Lie -- Documentary) ´´Since the Oklahoma City Bombing and that day of horror, groundbreaking information has come to light that is so provacative and so explosive that it threatens to shatter everything we thought we knew about the true nature of terrorism.´´ (Quote from A Noble Lie documentary) In short, it is the American government which has been running the terrorist cells with the cynical idea of benefiting politically and consolidating power. They planted the bombs, killed off any investigations, and carefully framed the narratives. When there are crimes against democracy, the investigations into these crimes tend to be highly controlled, tightly framed and totally reliant on the institutions and organizations which stand to be embarressed and implicated by the investigations. Abstract for this article is as follows: This article opens with an inventory of how popular culture passion plays are homologous to the stampeding disenfranchisement everywhere of working classes and the emasculation of professional codes of ethics under siege by neoliberal initiatives and gambits.The article then examines a recent example of contemporary,“deconstructive” scholarly analysis and inventory of presidential “Orwellian doublespeak.” The preoccupation among contemporary critical scholarship with “discourse analysis” and language gambits is criticized for displacing interrogation of real-event anomalies, as with the porous account given by the 9/11 Commission for what happened that fateful day. The article concludes by explaining how critical scholarship consistently falls short of unmasking Master Signifiers.

Fluoride - The Hard to Swallow Truth. Learn what fluoride is verses what most people think it is and what the media pretends it is. Learn the reasons for water fluoridation and where fluoride comes from. The truth will be hard to swallow! Fluoride The Hard to Swallow Truth Documentary. The fact is that the public has no idea why fluoride is added to the water. There is a big gap between what the public think and the biochemical reality.

The Oklahoma City Bombing - The Coverup
This documentary examines eyewitness accounts and news media reports documenting the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City. Included with this presentation is a video affidavit of bombing survior Jane C. Graham and her sightings of strange individuals in the building prior to the tragic event. It was reported in the New York Times that patsy Tim McVeigh was drafted into special opps to sell drugs and kill people in drug related army operations, but then quickly forgotten. Just like patsy Mohamad Atta was really into drug smuggling for the U.S airforce and that`s all known! A Noble Lie Abstract
This article opens with an inventory of how popular culture passion plays are homologous to the stampeding disenfranchisement everywhere of working classes and the emasculation of professional codes of ethics under siege by neoliberal initiatives and gambits.The article then examines a recent example of contemporary,“deconstructive” scholarly analysis and inventory of presidential “Orwellian doublespeak.” The preoccupation among contemporary critical scholarship with “discourse analysis” and language gambits is criticized for displacing interrogation of real-event anomalies, as with the porous account given by the 9/11 Commission for what happened that fateful day. The article concludes by explaining how critical scholarship consistently falls short of unmasking Master Signifiers. Abstract
The ellipses of due diligence riddling the official account of the 9/11 incidents continue being ignored by scholars of policy and public administration. This article introduces intellectual context for examining the policy heuristic “State Crimes Against Democracy” (SCAD) (deHaven-Smith, 2006) and its usefulness for better understanding patterns of state criminality of which no extant policy analytic model gives adequate account.This article then introduces papers included in this symposium examining the chimerical presence and perfidious legacy of state criminality against democracy.

Sep 11th, The New Pearl Harbor. The American Government is Responsible. Words cannot express the criminality which has far reaching implications to this day. The criminals involved are still in our government pulling the strings. False flag terrorism defines the 21st century with everything being built on top of this! Sense Making Under “Holographic” Conditions: Framing SCAD Research
Abstract: The ellipses of due diligence riddling the official account of the 9/11 incidents continue being ignored by scholars of policy and public administration. This article introduces intellectual context for examining the policy heuristic “State Crimes Against Democracy” (SCAD) (deHaven-Smith, 2006) and its usefulness for better understanding patterns of state criminality of which no extant policy analytic model gives adequate account.This article then introduces papers included in this symposium examining the chimerical presence and perfidious legacy of state criminality against democracy.

This is a radio interview done by Ken Rank and Craig Roberts interviewing Terry Yeakey's wife Tonya. Terry Yeakey was the first police officer to respond to the bombing that morning because he had been a few blocks away at a routine traffic stop. He later went on to die under extremely strange circumstances. (A Noble Lie -- Documentary)

Since the Oklahoma City Bombing and that day of horror, groundbreaking information has come to light that is so provacative and so explosive that it threatens to shatter everything we thought we knew about the true nature of terrorism. In short, it is the American government which has been running the terrorist cells with the cynical idea of benefiting politically and consolidating power. Watch full movie here - Sense Making Under “Holographic” Conditions: Framing SCAD Research
Abstract: The ellipses of due diligence riddling the official account of the 9/11 incidents continue being ignored by scholars of policy and public administration. This article introduces intellectual context for examining the policy heuristic “State Crimes Against Democracy” (SCAD) (deHaven-Smith, 2006) and its usefulness for better understanding patterns of state criminality of which no extant policy analytic model gives adequate account.This article then introduces papers included in this symposium examining the chimerical presence and perfidious legacy of state criminality against democracy.

Merick Garland is a terrorist and gangster! He is the current attorney general! He was Oklahoma`s top law enforcement official at the time (1995) and oversaw the coverup of th false flag. Oh boy have the republicans and Donald Trump missed the boat! They killed babies in a daycare center. (A Noble Lie -- The Documentary that Lays out all the Facts of this False Flag! It was one hundred percent government, tying into Mena, the Clintons running drugs and made Sep 11th possible. This documentary has it all.) The cover for this video shows how who we think are the terrorists and the bad guys can literally be turned on the head based on facts that let us see it`s all a hijacked narrative. And yeah, they have ways to control soldiers through chips and patches and all sorts of ways. We know he was drafted into special opps to sell drugs. The New York Times even published the letters to his mother and sister where he admitted as much. I don`t know why people like Alex Jones don`t focus on this, especially since Merick Garland who was Oklahoma City`s attorney general at the time now overseas the bastardization of the Biden justice department. Alex Jones was at the forefront of questioning Oklahoma City and is featured in the documentary A Noble Lie, although now has dropped the ball in terms of placing false flag terrorism into the center of the context for what is happening now. (YOU WANT EVIDENCE, YOU GOT IT!) Abstract, quoting from the Journal of the American Behavior Scientist that has a scholarly approach to dealing with state crimes against democracy within the contexts of false flags:
The ellipses of due diligence riddling the official account of the 9/11 incidents continue being ignored by scholars of policy and public administration. This article introduces intellectual context for examining the policy heuristic “State Crimes Against Democracy” (SCAD) (deHaven-Smith, 2006) and its usefulness for better understanding patterns of state criminality of which no extant policy analytic model gives adequate account.This article then introduces papers included in this symposium examining the chimerical presence and perfidious legacy of state criminality against democracy. ´´Protecting democracy requires that the general public be educated on how people can be manipulated by government and media into forfeiting their civil liberties and duties. This article reviews research on cognitive constructs that can prevent people from processing information that challenges preexisting assumptions about government, dissent, and public discourse in democratic societies. Terror management theory and system justification theory are used to explain how preexisting beliefs can interfere with people’s examination of evidence for state crimes against democracy (SCADs), specifically in relation to the events of September 11, 2001, and the war on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq. Reform strategies are proposed to motivate citizens toward increased social responsibility in a post-9/11 culture of propagandized fear, imperialism, and war.´´

Pete Santilli: Merrick Garland Covered Up The Oklahoma City Bombing False Flag A Noble Lie (YOU WANT EVIDENCE, YOU GOT IT!) Abstract from The American Behavioral Scientist, who featured the entire magazine in 2006 on this concept that`s been developed called SCAD, State Crimes Against Democracy. There are many articles here and it is a must read to understand the social implications of false flag terror from a scholarly perspective. Here is just one example with the following quote...
´´Protecting democracy requires that the general public be educated on how people can be manipulated by government and media into forfeiting their civil liberties and duties. This article reviews research on cognitive constructs that can prevent people from processing information that challenges preexisting assumptions about government, dissent, and public discourse in democratic societies. Terror management theory and system justification theory are used to explain how preexisting beliefs can interfere with people’s examination of evidence for state crimes against democracy (SCADs), specifically in relation to the events of September 11, 2001, and the war on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq. Reform strategies are proposed to motivate citizens toward increased social responsibility in a post-9/11 culture of propagandized fear, imperialism, and war.´´

There is a lot more evidence, I would say ``proof``, that lays this attrocity at the feat of the American government. For more watch A Noble Lie. The man who was Oklahoma`s attorney general and oversaw the coverup now sits in the White House. Merick Garland needs to be called-out on this, especially since now he`s going after Trump and Alex Jones. For more watch here - (YOU WANT EVIDENCE, YOU GOT IT!) Abstract from The American Behavioral Scientist that featured the entire magazine in 2006 on this concept that`s been developed called SCAD, State Crimes Against Democracy. There are many articles here and it is a must read for anyone wanting to understand the social implications of false flag terror from a scholarly perspective. Here is just one example with the following quote...
´´Protecting democracy requires that the general public be educated on how people can be manipulated by government and media into forfeiting their civil liberties and duties. This article reviews research on cognitive constructs that can prevent people from processing information that challenges preexisting assumptions about government, dissent, and public discourse in democratic societies. Terror management theory and system justification theory are used to explain how preexisting beliefs can interfere with people’s examination of evidence for state crimes against democracy (SCADs), specifically in relation to the events of September 11, 2001, and the war on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq. Reform strategies are proposed to motivate citizens toward increased social responsibility in a post-9/11 culture of propagandized fear, imperialism, and war.´´ Abstract
´´The ellipses of due diligence riddling the official account of the 9/11 incidents continue being ignored by scholars of policy and public administration. This article introduces intellectual context for examining the policy heuristic “State Crimes Against Democracy” (SCAD) (deHaven-Smith, 2006) and its usefulness for better understanding patterns of state criminality of which no extant policy analytic model gives adequate account.This article then introduces papers included in this symposium examining the chimerical presence and perfidious legacy of state criminality against democracy.´´

“I don’t know Klaus Schwab, but I got to see him up close, and he’s like an idiot,” Carlson said. “He’s like an elderly idiot who seems a little senile and doesn’t have any idea what he’s talking about at all.”

BREAKING: Democrats Admit Plan To Close InfoWars On June 14th! They want to trigger a war, a new pandemic, and a racial conflict, according to Jones. In order to do that, they need Jones OUT OF THE WAY! A pre-planned economic collapse is also on the table. Plus they are planning to steal the election, probably....I wouldn`t put anything past the deep state at this point. I said when Jones was kicked of Youtube and Facebook in 2019 that there was something big coming or else they wouldn`t have got rid of him. But he wasn`t shut down because he had his own platform. Then the court cases and law suits. Now this. Go figure! He is the one guy preventing total tyranny and has an extraordinary influence on the media and ordinary people. He`s bigger than CNN, bigger than BBC....a worldwide phenomenon! Shadowy groups want to take over his news channel and then fight over the corpse! They are spending billions of dollars to counter Jones in the press. They have even tried to put him in jail! Like a positive view of the Pied Piper, I admire him so much, more than any other media figure with maybe the exception of David Icke. I want people to know what a great journalist he is and, in a small way, help save his reports for the future. He inspired me to do what I do! The lying lunatics and bad Bilderberg bedfellows who would go against him may be in for a nasty surprise and that`s what makes this time we are living in so interesting is that, through spreading this information, we, those patriots amongst us, really DO have the power to stop the plans for ending humanity or at least prolong the human race a little longer! Pussies in the mainstream media, even from so-called conservative sights, are saying Jones is making this up as a publicity stunt!

CIA POISENED THE PIGS IN CUBA! ONE GUY THOUGHT I WAS TALKING ABOUT THE BAY OF PIGS because that was all he knew. Even though this is not historically contravercial, most people haven`t heard of it. Weather or not you believe in viruses (germ theory), it is widely accepted now that the CIA was behind the swine flu outbreak in Cuba in 1960 which resulted in them slaughtering their pigs to prevent ``the spread``. I had an interesting interaction about this years ago at a cocktail party with someone from my Dad`s generation. Because he could only think of ´´the bay of pigs´´, it caused him quite the surprise when I mentioned this!

There were moves to take over Canada and the caribbean by a belicose union. Forgotten history. The U.S had plans to conquer the islands of the bahamas. What stopped them was slavery.

Trash balloons from North Korea sent to the south is actually a tit-for-tat action after South Korean "pro-democracy" organizations have spent decades and millions of dollars on their balloon-based campaigns of psychological warfare, scattering leaflets all over the border regions. Sputnik news had the following to say: "Fighters for a Free North Korea" and its allies have received lavish praise from the beacons of Western mainstream media, with The Atlantic running a beaming piece in 2014 entitled “We Hacked North Korea With Balloons and USB Drives.”

Is there no end to the absurdities that come out of Zelensky´s mouth? We saw this in the interview he did with the London Guardian this week. I explain...

Alex Jones, ´´The vaccines are killing you...putting them in bananas and feeding them to cats and dogs and bastards!´´ By ``feeding``, he is referring to vaccines that you eat. Never heard about that before? Some of you have, but not all of you. Jones has been on the forefront of reporting this. And with the news today from Infowars that Bill Gates is releasing a cow climate change vaccine, in other words a vaccine to vaccinate cows for climate change with the concern about cow`s methane emmisions, it`s fair to look at how these proposals tie together and see this report from twenty years ago. ´´Feeding vaccines to cats and dogs and bastards!`` Only Alex Jones can express himself this way and I love it! So sorry they are trying to shut down his website currently as we speak! Everything he says, including the edible AIDS vaccine, is all from news sources, that quickly report the truth and then disappear.

Alex Jones Reports on Bilderberg 2024. Secret Meetings to Shape the World. The Bilderberg Club 2024 secret meeting is happening now in Madrid Spain. Hear Jones interview Daniel Estulin about it. ENDGAME: DOCUMENTARY TRAILER ABOUT BILDERBERG

Who is Jacob Chansley? You know him as the face behind the Jan 6th, 2001 protests. But now we will see him as Jacob Chansley the environmentalist. He`s been labelled as a ``domestic terrorist``, served time in solitary for his role in the January 6th protests. His face, more than any other, is associated with the Jan 6th Capital protest. Yet Jacon Chansley is totally different than the typical Trump supporter the media would have you believe. He is the most well-researched, most committed, gung-ho, hard-core environmentalist you could ever imagine, whose passion about the birds and the bees and ecosystems and the importance of organic food are eloquently revealed in his website Forbidden Truth Academy and the videos he does on Rumble. He shows the phony environmentalism of Agenda 2030 for what it is. This challenges the stereotype of Trump supporters who ´´don`t believe in science´´. So why hasn`t he been on CNN to talk about the importance of organic food or the threats from monoculture and genetically modified organisms? Because, as he so eloquently states, the terms of the debate have been fixed going in and we have a situation where the fox is guarding the henhouse and those in control are actually profitting from the environmental crisis while selling pre-packaged solutions.

TerrorStorm - How the Elites use Terror and Fear to Justify Endless War -
Documentary film by Alex Jones, founder of infowars

It`s videos like this which is the real reason they wanna shut down Alex Jones! These pseudo-intellectuals and psychopaths gather on stage and talk like they're gods, and they think they know what's best for you. They think they're better than you! They intend on controlling you, if you're one of the survivors they don't cull. These are bad Bilderberg bedfellows, creeps and thugs! Only an informed populous can stop them in their tracks! The globalist parasites want to end humanity! It`s time to shut them down before they end us all!!!

Alex Jones and The 9/11 Chronicles - Truth Rising (full movie)
An infowars primiere documentary, it traces the rise of the Sep 11th truth movement from its beginnings to a political force to be reckoned with. Sadly, it has been confined to the dustbin of history and down the political correct memory hole. Abstract
The ellipses of due diligence riddling the official account of the 9/11 incidents continue being ignored by scholars of policy and public administration. This article introduces intellectual context for examining the policy heuristic “State Crimes Against Democracy” (SCAD) (deHaven-Smith, 2006) and its usefulness for better understanding patterns of state criminality of which no extant policy analytic model gives adequate account. This article then introduces papers included in this symposium examining the chimerical presence and perfidious legacy of state criminality against democracy.

DETAILS, DETAILS, DETAILS! From the horses mouth. Don`t believe the total lies that are coming in the press! Feds Attempted To Shut Down Infowars last night: radio show, TV show, website, everything! Jones knows it`s CIA (that`s all been revealed)! It is not an accident jackbooted thugs are shutting down infowars at gun point a day after Trump´s conviction. This are going to get hot before the election and they want to silent Alex Jones ´´First they came for Alex Jones.`` They have turned covert operations loose on Jones, that`s all been it`s all admitted the CIA has been running things against Jones. I hope it doesn`t happen, but it probably is going to be shut down by tomorrow or even tonight. Please share and support independent media and help flood the zone! You can still follow Jones on X. His flagship website infowars dot com was at the forefront of exposing CIA drug dealing, the Clinton and Bush crime families, false flag terrorism and so much more! Now he will rise from the ashes stronger than ever! It`s a sad week for democracy! If they can shut up Alex Jones and convict Trump then none of us are safe! There will continue to be hijacked narratives and the world island will go further into the breakaway civilization, transhumanism and full-on slavery. I want to be an optimist but I see too many people going along! At least for history`s sake it can now be registered that there were some that didn`t go along. After the treasonous clown show kangaroo court that convicted Trump this week, and elections meddling, there is no way they will allow Alex Jones on the loose...especially as we imagine things are going to get totally out of control as November runs around. A red dawn scenario waits in the wings. Only an informed populous can stop Bilderberg in its tracks. Get ready for false flags!

Tulsi Gabbard reactions to Trump`s Conviction

FEDS MAKE BRAZEN MOVE TO SHUT DOWN INFOWARS AND SILENCE ALEX JONES! ´´The level of treachery us unprecedented,`` said Jones today on X.
´´It is so horrible and it`s because we´re viable and we don`t give up...Infowars is just a building. The movement is the people.``